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Kranendonk Memorial Scholar Athlete Awarded to Morgan Crescent

Tuesday, Apr 12, 2011 | On Target Page: Land O'Lakes High School
Jim Kranendonk, his wife Mary Jane and their sons John and Robert Kranendonk announced the winner of this year’s Thomas James Kranendonk Memorial Scholar Athlete Award, Miss Morgan Crescent ( also pictured, Max Ramos and Henry G. "Chip" Wichmanowski Executive Director of the Pasco Educational Foundation). Morgan played softball, volleyball and soccer at Land O’Lakes High school Emmett Harris earned a scholarship at Eckerd College. Her winning essay describes how team sports have helped her make friendships, to learn self-discipline that she also applied to her schoolwork. She knew Thomas from their time on the lake and knowing other friends that have passed much too soon have taught her not to take life for granted. “Life is a gift and you shouldn’t waste it on making poor choices” said Crescent. Mike Connor, owner of Beef o Brady's Wilderness Lareakes donated a portion of his sales from the event back to the Pasco Educational Foundation for Thomas' Scholarship.
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