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Libertad, Club Hispano Republicano de Pasco with US Congressman Gus Bilirakis and Pasco Sheriff Christopher Nocco by Ju Agu Has

Wednesday, May 08, 2019 | On Target Page: Greater Pasco County, Politics & Government
From Ju Agu Has, President of Libertad, Club Hispano Republicano de Pasco: I want to thank our Lord for a fantastic meeting last night. We had the honor to have US Congressman Gus Bilirakis who not only share some great insights of what's happening in Congress, but also allowed our visitors to give their input in issues relevant to our Hispanic community. Thank you Elizabeth Hittos, Congressman's Bilirakis wonderful Chief of Staff. It was a privilege to have our great Pasco Sheriff Christopher Nocco Swear us in. We also had the wonderful support from the Pasco GOP leadership Chairman Randy Evans, Vice- Chairman Sal Poliandro, State committeeman Bill Bunting, State Committeewoman Sandy Graves , REC Secretary Richard Lorenz , School Board member Megan Harding and her husband, we also had the President of the Pasco Veteran's Club Alan Green and the President of the Donald Trump Republican Club Heritage Pines, Mr. Rick Rager as well as Nikki Alvarez from the County Clerk's office and Captain Stephen Harnett, Division Commander District III. We had visitors such as Pastor Kenton Brake from Floodgates Church who lead us in prayer, his nephew from Paraguay, and other visitors from Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Peru and many other guests who have a heart to reach our Hispanic Community. We were about 37 people last night. So very thankful for my family's support as well a Rudy Gonzalez' , our Club's Treasurer and Lisa Shippy-Gonzalez of Havana Dreamers Cafe where we will continue to meet the 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30 pm. Especial thanks to those who couldn't be with us but have committed to becoming members. Prayers lifted for our Club's Vice President Tony Esparra who is in the hospital. Simply Grateful to be the President of Libertad, Club Hispano Republicano de Pasco, Florida
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